New Jersey Building & Construction Trades Council

Over 115 Years Strong!

New Jersey Building & Construction Trades Council

Training Directors and Apprenticeship Coordinators Committee – Chairman, Bill Millea, (732) 661-2010
The defining difference between union and non-union workers and organziations is the superb apprenticeship and training programs offered by the union building trades to their members. The Training Directors and Apprentice Coordinators is a newly established committee that has been formed for the purpose of sharing information about emerging issues and training disciplines within the apprentice community. This committee will further strengthen the competitive advantage that our union members and contractors currently enjoy and develop a unified union response to government programs that promote careers in the construction industry.

Organizing Committee – Chairman, William Graybush, (732) 792-0999
The long-term success of the building trades unions in New Jersey depends upon our ability to increase market share and the most reliable means to do so is through effective and coordinated organizing strategies and campaigns that target non-union workers and contractors. The Organizing Committee was formed in 2003 to expedite the exchange of information between various trades and facilitate broad-based cooperation and coordination on statewide and multiple trade organizing campaigns.